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Origin: France
Points: 8.423.748
Squares: 32.071
Ganglevel: 72
HQs: 1941
player country player points gangrank gangpunkte
Amaranth France 31 33.116.297 Boss 0
Fremen France 40 25.789.397 Deputy 0
don alcouffe Jr France 74 17.204.337 Deputy 52
⭐Le Petit Prince ⭐ France 136 9.806.881 Deputy 0
Jim Hawkins France 281 2.842.865 Member 0
don alcouffe France 520 226.328 Member 11
dazzler666 France 688 12.095 Member 0

gang gang gang gang gang gang
2024-04-24 468 8.423.748 32.071 263 $ +0 17
2024-04-23 460 8.519.481 32.084 266 $ +39 17
2024-04-22 458 8.556.052 32.091 267 $ +10 17
2024-04-21 454 8.568.352 32.088 267 $ +14 17
2024-04-20 448 8.538.425 32.025 267 $ +233 17
2024-04-19 449 8.536.289 32.018 267 $ +21 17
2024-04-18 450 8.535.586 32.016 267 $ +10 17
2024-04-17 449 8.554.140 32.020 267 $ +0 17
2024-04-16 450 8.554.786 32.020 267 $ +30 17
2024-04-15 466 8.550.955 32.020 267 $ +0 17
2024-04-14 464 8.526.339 31.979 267 $ +246 17
2024-04-13 464 8.520.871 31.967 267 $ +53 17
2024-04-12 464 8.514.481 31.951 266 $ +71 17
2024-04-11 463 8.529.210 31.948 267 $ +44 17
2024-04-10 462 8.537.090 31.979 267 $ +0 17
2024-04-09 458 8.550.083 31.985 267 $ +0 17
2024-04-08 458 8.584.796 31.988 268 $ +15 17
2024-04-07 458 8.583.768 31.986 268 $ +10 17
2024-04-06 456 8.589.750 31.976 269 $ +58 17
2024-04-05 457 8.607.517 31.974 269 $ +96 17
2024-04-04 380 8.614.757 31.976 269 $ +4 17
2024-04-03 92 8.614.268 31.975 269 $ +9 17
2024-04-02 35 8.613.515 31.973 269 $ +11 17
2024-04-01 24 8.613.112 31.973 269 $ +14 17
2024-03-31 24 8.595.228 31.937 269 $ +165 17
2024-03-30 24 8.611.167 31.967 269 $ +8 17
2024-03-29 24 8.606.454 31.965 269 $ +13 17
2024-03-28 24 8.601.072 31.949 269 $ +52 17
2024-03-27 24 8.596.494 31.938 269 $ +47 17
2024-03-26 24 8.594.937 31.933 269 $ +37 17

RANK: 468


