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Россия (ACTIVE MEMBER 3/88)
Origin: Russian Federation
Points: 7.717.695
Squares: 41.924
Ganglevel: 67
HQs: 34444
player country player points gangrank gangpunkte
Giorgio🌝124 Russian Feder... 347 1.541.987 Member 0
R.U.B.I.N. Russian Feder... 205 5.805.662 Boss 0
A2DP Russian Feder... 76 16.895.009 Banker 11

gang gang gang gang gang gang
2024-04-24 495 7.717.695 41.924 184 $ +0 88
2024-04-23 495 7.765.695 41.932 185 $ +0 88
2024-04-22 495 7.764.532 41.930 185 $ +11 88
2024-04-21 492 7.764.532 41.930 185 $ +0 88
2024-04-20 485 7.764.574 41.924 185 $ +1 88
2024-04-19 486 7.763.025 41.907 185 $ +19 88
2024-04-18 487 7.759.129 41.904 185 $ +6 88
2024-04-17 488 7.759.040 41.896 185 $ +0 88
2024-04-16 488 7.765.040 41.897 185 $ +0 88
2024-04-15 508 7.789.263 41.902 186 $ +0 88
2024-04-14 506 7.788.701 41.901 186 $ +5 88
2024-04-13 506 7.786.878 41.897 186 $ +16 88
2024-04-12 506 7.778.170 41.886 186 $ +36 88
2024-04-11 506 7.780.611 41.896 186 $ +0 88
2024-04-10 504 7.785.676 41.896 186 $ +12 88
2024-04-09 500 7.785.676 41.896 186 $ +0 88
2024-04-08 500 7.785.676 41.896 186 $ +0 88
2024-04-07 500 7.791.676 41.897 186 $ +0 88
2024-04-06 500 7.798.828 41.900 186 $ +0 88
2024-04-05 500 7.798.111 41.895 186 $ +5 88
2024-04-04 413 7.796.408 41.890 186 $ +15 88
2024-04-03 99 7.796.408 41.890 186 $ +0 88
2024-04-02 39 7.796.408 41.890 186 $ +0 88
2024-04-01 27 7.792.988 41.884 186 $ +31 88
2024-03-31 27 7.784.852 41.869 186 $ +77 88
2024-03-30 27 7.779.404 41.870 186 $ +5 88
2024-03-29 27 7.777.692 41.863 186 $ +18 88
2024-03-28 27 7.777.810 41.868 186 $ +0 88
2024-03-27 27 7.778.430 41.873 186 $ +0 88
2024-03-26 27 7.778.431 41.873 186 $ +0 88

RANK: 493


