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Origin: France
Points: 14.951.844
Squares: 35.471
Ganglevel: 73
HQs: 977
player country player points gangrank gangpunkte
BreizhPunisher France 58 19.073.911 Boss 0
Elrep France 96 13.049.239 Banker 5
Sparrow44 France 104 12.574.572 Deputy 0
Kens44 France 165 7.624.124 Deputy 0
mits13 France 307 2.107.612 Deputy 49
Snopy56 France 435 718.245 Deputy 35

gang gang gang gang gang gang
2024-04-18 311 14.951.844 35.471 422 $ +0 14
2024-04-17 311 14.960.272 35.476 422 $ +21 14
2024-04-16 311 14.972.722 35.483 422 $ +26 14
2024-04-15 318 14.988.935 35.483 422 $ +26 14
2024-04-14 315 15.038.053 35.493 424 $ +16 14
2024-04-13 315 15.038.054 35.493 424 $ +11 14
2024-04-12 314 15.041.467 35.499 424 $ +7 14
2024-04-11 313 15.049.575 35.513 424 $ +37 14
2024-04-10 312 15.050.696 35.515 424 $ +33 14
2024-04-09 309 15.048.297 35.511 424 $ +26 14
2024-04-08 309 15.046.368 35.508 424 $ +20 14
2024-04-07 308 15.045.209 35.506 424 $ +36 14
2024-04-06 306 15.061.007 35.535 424 $ +42 14
2024-04-05 305 15.062.206 35.537 424 $ +49 14
2024-04-04 259 15.066.694 35.545 424 $ +31 14
2024-04-03 63 15.099.707 35.528 425 $ +200 14
2024-04-02 18 15.099.669 35.528 425 $ +6 14
2024-04-01 10 15.098.712 35.528 425 $ +20 14
2024-03-31 10 15.101.103 35.528 425 $ +25 14
2024-03-30 10 15.096.906 35.521 425 $ +35 14
2024-03-29 10 15.094.717 35.517 425 $ +45 14
2024-03-28 10 15.097.182 35.523 425 $ +67 14
2024-03-27 10 15.100.785 35.529 425 $ +92 14
2024-03-26 10 15.102.068 35.534 425 $ +39 14
2024-03-25 10 15.102.178 35.537 425 $ +54 14
2024-03-24 10 15.111.607 35.557 425 $ +65 14
2024-03-23 10 15.108.592 35.552 425 $ +62 15
2024-03-22 10 15.111.144 35.616 424 $ +15 15
2024-03-21 10 15.116.316 35.629 424 $ +76 15
2024-03-20 10 15.116.043 35.629 424 $ +35 15

RANK: 310


